Legend to the Letter: Einstein's links to French Scientists is a beautiful online exhibit regarding Einstein's relationship with the Académie des sciences and many of its illustrious members. Documents presented from the Académie's archive are both official and personal. Among them are Einstein's notice of election to the venerable institution and his subsequent registration with the Académie. Other items include letters to his long-time colleague, mathematician Elie Cartan, revealing intellectual exchanges and heartfelt reflections on loss. Click here or on the blue text, above, to go to the Google Arts & Culture site.
Legend to the Letter curated by:
Catherine Bréchignac, physicist, Honorary perpetual Secretary of the Académie des sciences, delegated ambassador of science, technology and innovation
Thibault Damour, physicist, Laureate of the CNRS gold medal, member of the Académie des sciences since 1999
Isabelle Maurin-Joffre, chief curator, director of Académie des sciences archives
Christian Auboyneau, director of sponsorship, development and Rencontres capitales