The EPP mourns the passing of our collaborator Issachar Unna, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Hebrew University, who was an editor, researcher, and friend.

Unna's expertise in nuclear physics, quantum theory, history of modern physics, and the teaching of physics, coupled with his intimate knowledge of German, informed his meticulous reviews of the final drafts for Volumes 7, 9, 10, and 12 of The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, and his contributions as Associate Editor on Volumes 13, 14, and 15.
A Jerusalem-born bibliophile, Unna was a passionate popularizer of science. He edited Hebrew translations of children's books on Einstein, and of Einstein's anthology Ideas and Opinions. In Israel he was a generous host to visiting colleagues. In Pasadena, he was an affable guest over the span of two decades. He will be missed by all of us.